Friday, February 3, 2012

Treadmill and Echo

Today I had my echocardiogram and the treadmill test. The last time I had a treadmill test, I was unable to complete it. They had to raise my heart rate up artifically, (with medication) which made me feel horrible. I was determined this time to keep up with the speed of the treadmill, and I did!

The echocardiogram, for those of you who don't know what it is, is an ultrasound video or test of the heart, they check the size of the muscle, the strength of the muscle, the flow of the blood and return of blood to the chambers in the heart. My heart has a defect. I have known this for a very long time. The little flap that opens and allows blood to flow out of the heart, and then closes to stop the blood from flowing back in is the part that has a problem. Last year, a cardiologist wanted to give me a pacemaker, which is just crazy because I have a perfectly working heart! Anyway, my little flap doesn't close all the way so it regurgitates apparently. Sounds icky.

But both tests were successful, and both had good outcomes, so I am going forward with the biopsy on Monday. I am still crazy with fear, but the crying last night helped me release a lot of tension. Then I took a long hot bath with Eucalyptus Essential Oils and Epsom Salts. I added some non-fat dry milk, which makes it a milk bath at the end to soften my skin. (The emsulsifiers in the milk are still present in milk when it is dried).

I burned some candles, played some classical music, burned incense and emerged refreshed and done crying...of course I cried again this morning, but last night...I slept like a baby, so deep and woke up totally refreshed and feeling great! I recommend this for anyone who has had a hard day!

More later!

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